1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 761 - 780 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Sanstane an Steel McNeil, Andrew 811
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 19, recording 2: out for a walk N/A Audio 808
The Monday club Hynd, George 805
The Buik o Ruth: 08 - Sermon at the Lallans Society Conference 1973 Borrowman, A S 800
Where are the Songs of Spring? Kay, Prof Christian 798
A Small Book of Translations: 01 - Preface Hutchison, Alexander 796
Graip an trooel mak the perfec wind-doon - May 16, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 793
Giein translations for a Doric play? Gie's a break - February 21, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 792
Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 30 May 1978 895 788
Wilton Gardens Residents Association Newsletter June 1989 895 788
It's time tae reflect as fiddlers come and go - February 28, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 787
Jeel't tae the marra on a day oot tae the fitba - March 14, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 787
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 23 - 20.12.81 852 785
Memories come floodin back o lost Aiberdeen - February 14, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 785
From the school magazine (Merchant Maiden) Kay, Prof Christian 783
Sattlin doon tae steer the fine hotterin porritch - March 7, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 782
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 28 - 25.01.82 852 781
The Buik o Ruth: 11 - Sermon at the Lallans Society Conference 1976 Borrowman, A S 780
A wikk o shows taks me back an fore in time - April 25, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 779
Afa sad news, bit thanks for the memories - March 21, 2005 Shepherd, Robbie 778

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