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d kirk or bungalow wisbiggitbi mrs forman whan shei
bungalow ca d kirkwud wisbiggitfur the engineer whae wis
hill drainer ellot marriet anbiggityon bungalow forenenst the howcleuchsheil
bedd in the hoose jackbiggitthis is the chiel that
bedd in the hoose jackbiggitthis is the hoose jack
bedd in the hoose jackbiggitthis is the hoose jack
bedd in the hoose jackbiggitthis is the hoose jack
bedd in the hoose jackbiggitthis is the hoose jack
bedd in the hoose jackbiggitthis is the hoose jack
shelter an ither shelters wisbiggitaw ower the place wi
hid gotten air raid sheltersbiggitin the playgrund geordie didnae
bank faar e wee birdsbiggiteir nests aa at wis
d bin bynamed ned hidbiggitnests in maisie s bed
as their ain sire anbiggitnests in quarrytowers an ither
the soss forby men haebiggita middle waa a hallan
sepharit intae twa kirks fowkbiggita middle waa or hallan
we hinna saught we haebiggitane ugsome waa agayne oor
hae saught for we haebiggitane ugsome waa agayne oor
follie waa that a lairdbiggitlang syne ti baur oot
this is the hoose jackbiggitthe traffic licht s sang
this is the hoose jackbiggitthis is the bairn that
this is the hoose jackbiggitthis is the chiel that
this is the hoose jackbiggitthis is the chiel that
this is the hoose jackbiggitthis is the chiel that
this is the hoose jackbiggitthis is the chiel that
this is the hoose jackbiggitthis is the hoose jack
wad be a braw castelbiggito derk whunstane an it
ma castel that ah haebiggitwhaur yeir faither s houss
stepfaider and his faider theybiggita hoose er wi no
but de hoose was beenbiggitafore dat f960: oh right
til yon hoose fornenst wisbiggitan blockit oot the byous
hoscote ludge gate hoose isbiggitanenst the sindrins it the
a a hoose at webiggiterm f960: oh f961: we
a norwegian hoose at hebiggitfor wis an er f961:
herd s hoose thar wisbiggiti the mid 1840 s
wee hoose it wis ayebiggiton a dry bit aboot
an a widden hen hoosebiggiton till t there was
the praisent mansion hoose wisbiggitthair stuid on yon whit
or leah the twa whabiggitup the hoose o israel
new een at we rebiggitf961: yeah is it whaar
f961: but it wis aafilbiggitin doon there very sheltered
o de wye hit sbiggitin [inaudible] f960: yeah f961:
him gin the government isbiggiton sand an ye mak
sand bag wa s wisbiggittae bield the entries tae
doon caird s raw wisbiggitup wi sand bags tae
e side o e byrebiggitas pairt o t wis
same s it wis abiggitin pairt o e man
whaur the saw mill wisbiggitpairt o yid nichol s
it the wolfcleuch heid wisbiggitfur ae herd whae s
whae hed the local hallbiggitit roberton i maimorie o
began believe soon quickly beildbiggitbuilt blate shy blirt cry
the folded arms riped harvestedbiggitbuilt steid foundation plenished fitted
prep by biggin n cottagebiggitv built binna prep except
n building birl v rotatebiggitv built birk n birch
kirk o the halie rudebiggitfyve orlang hunder sinsyne in
the first kirk here wisbiggittae convert the picts this
tid tint eftirlins the fermerbiggitane horrid wie houss richt
oot houss o kittilrumpit wesbiggiton a brae wi a
toon birds hae their nestiesbiggitin a tree gerron mister
war twa bonnie lasses theybiggita bower on yon burn
o aw the touers hebiggityon rikkil stauns alane nou
club s arrived a bigsiebiggitneebour the traffic thunners forrit
the borthw ick whilk wisbiggitan up haudit bi the
an ae new centre wisbiggitan wis apent i 1983
plant it roberton moss wisbiggitanenst the glebefit hooses ma
briggie fin the railway wisbiggitat the back eyn o
in e extension at wisbiggiteence tae mak e room
d cam wi it wisbiggithard bi the road atween
furry thrapple the lowe wisbiggitheich wi peats cut frae
wis cryit michtie song hebiggithis capital at meicklebrig an
wi padded seats across anbiggitin this wis favoured be
lean far a squirrel wisbiggitlike a teacosy it wis
grun that the street wisbiggiton hid bin at ae
ae new waster yillmuir wisbiggiton the back side o
it at tyme 21 lumsbiggiton whit wis kent is
e widden shed at wisbiggittee till e byre aabody
finiver a new idol wisbiggitthe hindu sculptors hid nae
stack as it wis beinbiggitto take the sheaves from
of coorse the wa wisbiggitwi gless tae let fowk
keepie uppie ither fowks dasbiggitsit ooteries or bred futterats
hid been haalt oot anbiggitup again e steed a
sauf on the stance tammasbiggita wie sheil bi the
days an eild the waasbiggitlang syne are dung doun
stane that never laird hadbiggitlanger syne that the fires
saunt mairie s loch thaibiggita lunkart an cuikit twa
that said doocots coodnae bebiggitwithin twa mile o arable
a richt squad shaves werebiggitintae roon rucks durin the
an the enterprisin couple haebiggita sma restaurant in fit
hooses when they war firstbiggitdid you hae onie bother
o the hame they haebiggitthegither guid luck tae the
then were teen hame anbiggitintill a ruckie at the
o aurelius forbye hame isbiggiton a steid o wisdom
remeid in the navachitta centrebiggiton the foun o the
upon whase brou oor forefowkbiggitthe dun an steidit troy
been led an e rucksbiggitin e cornyard at e
jist inside an aal henhoosebiggitontill e eyn o e
up an if ye dbiggitricht e shanks wid staan
gaithered kinnlin frae the widsbiggita wee fickle under the
sei the raft hei hedbiggitfur himsell the waiter frae
o the earth hoosie theybiggittheir hoosies an dens frae
mind mar s wark wasbiggitwi stanes pykit frae the
a gawped at men atbiggitchapels walked in silence someen
a kurn commuter hames warbiggitroon the closs the gutsy
biggit up it s aabiggitmmhm f1074: it would be
o coorse it s aabiggitup it s aa biggit
abundance got wee big bigginsbiggitding dingin dingit diggins right
whatfor this promise o successbiggiton the truith am a
i the forest that youbiggitwi brainches that mysel flaired
caw it doun sae webiggitower the tap o d
raid shelter in each classroombiggitwide far teachers on supply
an a great big girdlebiggitin abeen t so it
their castle or their homebiggitwith erm spiral stairs er
at ryndit ti hiz warkbiggitinti hiz riggin inglis didna
ta get da last skroobiggitan da hidmast tatties cam
first ava an the firesbiggitup tae keep the cauld
as a resource tae bebiggiton raither nor a problem
singil general s nameliheid isbiggiton ten thousan corps from
forhooie abandon her bit hoosiebiggiton the bare grun it
ony permanent basis but theybiggitit in order to bide
yin whan thay biggins wurbiggitthe praisent day hoscote ludge
shrubs and things that werebiggitfor us and then of

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