1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 641 - 660 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
"Obituary for Christine Guthrie, 1896-1999" MacGillivray, Alan 1,893
Odd Blair, Anna 42
on hearin Willie Hunter's Laivin Lerik Herbir, fur d first tym Smith, Mark R 173
On the Study of Scottish Literature Duncan, Ian 3,072
Ootgang Purves, David 29
Overheard at the Chippie: Big brither, wee brither Blackhall, Sheena 142
Paes eggs De Luca, Christine 223
Paradyss Tint Forde, Iain W D 171
Passage Purves, David 50
Peggy's Party Connell, Andrina 2,769
Pentlands and Other Borders Hill-names Drummond, Peter 1,111
Picters in yer heid Fairnie, Robert 2,174
Pierre o' the Pools Henderson, John 317
Pillars of Society Thirkell, Alison 29,032
Poem from "Burnin Whins" Niven, Liz 125
Poems from "Stravaigin" Niven, Liz 215
Pompitie Finnds a Needle Purves, David 1,886
Pompitie Finnds a Needle - play Purves, David 11,406
Precis of "The Paix Machine" Forde, Iain W D 254
Preparing to Meet the Minotaur Blackhall, Sheena 8,944

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