73 documents matching criteria (20.51% of corpus)

2,387,589 total words in matching documents (43.93% of corpus)

Showing documents 1 - 20 of 73

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Title Author Year Word count Freq. Norm.
Acrostic Poem Written for Elizabeth Buchanan Anonymous 1860 142
An Essay on the Scoto-English Dialect Collin, Zacharias 1862 35,322
Annals of a Publishing House: William Blackwood and His Sons: Their Magazine and Friends Oliphant, Mrs Margaret Oliphant 1897 174,684
Bards of Galloway Harper, Malcolm 1889 61,921
David Elginbrod Macdonald, George 1871 173,827
David Livingstone's Incomplete Manuscript of His Post-Script to the Preface of a 'Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambezi and its Tributaries' Livingstone, David 1866 811
David Livingston's Zambezi Manuscript Livingstone, David 1864 20,394
Diary of the Reverend John Mill, Minister of the Parishes of Dunrossness Sandwick and Cunningsburg in Shetland, 1740-1803 Mill, Rev. John 1889 98,811
Excerpt from Objections for George Miller, Regarding Ministers' Stipends Anonymous 1876 597
Extracts from Hand-Book for Scotland: Contents Anonymous 1868 1,762
Extracts from Handbook for Scotland: Edinburgh Anonymous 1868 2,370
Hand-Book of the Law of Scotland Lorimer, Mr James 1859 141,591
Harp of Perthshire Various 1893 142,128
Harp of Renfrewshire, Second Series Various 1873 118,249
Horace in Homespun Robertson, James Logie 1886 12,997
Is It Well With the Child? It is well: A Sermon Preached in North Bute Parish Church, on September 27th, 1896 Dewar, Reverend Peter 1896 4,143
Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk Alexander, Mr William 1873 115,230
Lady Louisa Stuart: Selections from Her Manuscripts Stuart, Lady Louisa 1899 83,479
Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Goven Teinds Macwilliam, Thomas Nicolson 1876 93
Letter About George Gilbert Scott and the New University Buildings Ewing, Archibald Orr 1868 161

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