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62 documents matching criteria (4.71% of corpus)

36,863 total words in matching documents (0.80% of corpus)

Showing documents 21 - 40 of 62

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Dipper: 07 - Furst Bluid Begg, Dr James A 1,246
Dipper: 08 - The Fishin Weedow Begg, Dr James A 892
Dipper: 09 - Mid-winter Spring Begg, Dr James A 323
Dipper: 10 - Aippleringie Reid, John 672
Dipper: 11 - Lament for Connel Burn Begg, Dr James A 344
Dipper: 12 - The Auld Yowe Begg, Dr James A 231
Dipper: 14 - The Communication Gap Begg, Dr James A 1,013
Dipper: 16 - The Saumon an the Wee Broun Troot Begg, Dr James A 1,191
Dipper: 17 - Piscatorial Penitence Begg, Dr James A 209
Dipper: 20 - Cops and Robbers Begg, Dr James A 1,151
Dipper: 21 - Still "Ridin Alang" Begg, Dr James A 892
Dipper: 23 - The Red Sea Crossing Reid, John 595
Dipper: 24 - Tribute to W.H.T.Inglis Reid, John 351
Dipper: 26 - The Technicality Begg, Dr James A 2,217
Dipper: 27 - The Lassies Begg, Dr James A 880
Dipper: 28 - O It's Cauld Abune the Blankets Begg, Dr James A 546
Dipper: 30 - 'Puggie' Begg, Dr James A 1,346
Dipper: 31 - Girnin Beardies Begg, Dr James A 230
Dipper: 32 - Invite Tae Embro [Content label: lesser] Begg, Dr James A 966
Dipper: 33 - The Feather Reid, John 212

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