1,316 documents in the corpus

4,587,602 total words

Showing documents 601 - 700 of 1,316

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
The Princess wi the Whyte Peiticoat Purves, David 1,656
Interview 07: Teacher speaking about childhood in Shetland N/A Audio 1,654
Conversation 35: Three Shetland women on gardening in Scotland N/A Audio 1,647
Language Matters Trousdale, Graeme 1,644
Craiters: 04 - E Backlins Calfie Fenton, Alexander 1,628
Craiters: 03 - Stirries Fenton, Alexander 1,596
The Dark Shadows of A Midsummer Night's Dream Bell, Rosie 1,582
Scottish Parliament: Research Briefings: RN 00-24 Energy Efficiency in Housing Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,581
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 1: doing a jigsaw before dinner N/A Audio 1,580
The Wee Reid Hen de Rusett, Wendy 1,571
Hearts & Darts Bruce, Eddie 1,555
A Wee Scran o Herrin Fairnie, Robert 1,552
Scottish Parliament: Bills: 69 Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill (Bill as introduced) Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,544
Scottish Parliament: Research Briefings: RN 01-73 World Heritage Sites in Scotland Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,541
GOW Newsletter Jun 2005 Roberts, John 1,534
Interview with Ricky Ross of Deacon Blue English, Paul 1,528
Scottish Parliament: Research Briefings: RN 01-110 Gaelic Medium Education Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,528
The Wurfs o Merlin's Craig Purves, David 1,526
Wilton Gardens Residents Association Newsletter October 1985 895 1,524
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 4, no 33 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,512
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 3, no 4 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,500
A Braw Guid Alairm Fairnie, Robert 1,498
Recounting Blessings - Chapter 4 Henderson, John 1,493
The Buik o Ruth: 09 - Sermon at the Lallans Society Conference 1974 Borrowman, A S 1,487
Computing in the School of English and Scottish Language and Literature: the STELLA Project Anderson, Jean 1,478
Dame fortune Bell, Rosie 1,471
The Page Loun an the Siller Tassie Purves, David 1,469
A Scots Revival? Leeming, Mr Bruce 1,466
Finding the words for it Kay, Prof Christian 1,450
Biggam Collection Letter: 29 Law, Madge Taylor 1,424
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes May 1994 Forrest, Mrs Shona C 1,423
Whuppitie Stourie Purves, David 1,422
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes April 1994 Forrest, Mrs Shona C 1,415
GOW Newsletter May 2005 Roberts, John 1,414
The Buik o Ruth: 06 - Aucht portions for Yule Borrowman, A S 1,408
Craiters: 21 - 'I cannot get enough of it' Fenton, Alexander 1,405
Correspondence from Canada: Letter 25 - 02.01.82 852 1,378
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 21, recording 1: playing with a cat, drawing, and feeding fish N/A Audio 1,372
Craiters: 15 - E Steppies Fenton, Alexander 1,366
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 4, no 62 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,364
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 4, no 56 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,357
Unleash the vision of the artists Fisher, Mark 1,357
The Buik o Ruth: 12 - Sermon at Partick Newton Place Church, Glesca, 1976 Borrowman, A S 1,347
Dipper: 30 - 'Puggie' Begg, Dr James A 1,346
Dipper: 46 - Jenny Wren's Jaunt tae Islay - May 1983 & July 1984 Begg, Dr James A 1,340
Saands o Maywick Johnson, Laureen 1,333
General Franco: his part in my downfall Fisher, Mark 1,323
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 65 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,323
The Marra o a Simmer Skweel in Scots: Bit far's the Beens? Blackhall, Sheena 1,323
Beginning Howson, Dave 1,320
Scottish Parliament: Committees: Public Petitions: Minutes: Meeting 9, 2002 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,311
Mr Glasgow [Content label: serious] 'The Driver' 1,305
The Chyngin Scots Language Fairnie, Robert 1,292
Craiters: 01 - Introduction Fenton, Alexander 1,278
Da Tree Peerie Grice Sandison, Iris 1,270
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 3, no 17 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,268
Brave New World in the Dear Green Place Fisher, Mark 1,261
Craiters: 18 - Foxie Fenton, Alexander 1,256
Dan Buoy Howson, Dave Audio 1,252
Bowling for Compo [Content label: serious] 'The Driver' 1,250
The Gargoyle Wedding [Content label: serious] 'The Driver' 1,249
Dipper: 07 - Furst Bluid Begg, Dr James A 1,246
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 3/1999 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,243
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 23 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,241
Scots Tung Wittins 42 Fairnie, Robert 1,235
Remember this Face! [Content label: serious] 'The Driver' 1,226
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 09, recording 1: practising horse-riding and getting ready to go out N/A Audio 1,223
Dooble Veesion Dante, Paolo 1,216
Dipper: 16 - The Saumon an the Wee Broun Troot Begg, Dr James A 1,191
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes September 1994 Forrest, Mrs Shona C 1,190
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 4, no 49 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,181
The Twa Heuchie-backit Men Purves, David 1,181
Scots Haiku II Leeming, Mr Bruce 1,175
Scottish Parliament: Research Briefings: RN 00-39 Borders Rail Link Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,165
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 4, no 23 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,164
A Good Bamming [Content label: serious] 'The Driver' 1,162
Around Clach na Cùdainn: Some Musings on the Gaelic Place Names of Inverness Maclean, Roddy 1,159
Dipper: 55 - The Angling Club Minutes Reid, John Audio 1,154
Language Background and Educational Failure Philp, Andrew 1,153
Dipper: 20 - Cops and Robbers Begg, Dr James A 1,151
Dipper: 51 - Annyntit Begg, Dr James A Audio 1,149
Isolde's Luve-Daith Hubbard, Tom 1,149
Fourth Circular Kay, Prof Christian 1,144
Craiters: 13 - E Cheer Fenton, Alexander 1,136
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 13, recording 1: playing and getting ready for bed N/A Audio 1,132
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 5 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,130
Conversation: Buckie - Mother and child 07, recording 3: cleaning and tidying sister's bedroom N/A Audio 1,125
Language Awareness, First Language Acquisition and Modern Language Teaching in School Templeton, Brian C 1,125
GOW Newsletter Nov 2004 Roberts, John 1,124
Spelling reform essay Bell, Rosie 1,118
Email correspondence 1 - C Kay & J McGonigal Kay, Prof Christian,
McGonigal, James
Craiters: 14 - E Black Things Fenton, Alexander 1,111
Pentlands and Other Borders Hill-names Drummond, Peter 1,111
Thochts o Speakin Scots Fairnie, Robert 1,103
Scots Haiku Leeming, Mr Bruce 1,102
Anna and the Spirits Woods, Frank 1,091
The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School 300 Club - Minutes April 1994 926 1,091
LTD1 Workshop Kay, Prof Christian 1,088
GOW Newsletter Mar 2005 Roberts, John 1,085
Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 71 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 1,075

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